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North Portland in Motion will focus on the residential and commercial areas of North Portland west of Interstate 5.
We’ve heard consistently that unsafe driving speeds, a lack of safe and accessible crosswalks, and an incomplete bike network make it hard for people to get around. Now we have ideas for ways to address your concerns that we’d like to get your input on.
Longer-term Improvements
North Portland in Motion is focused on smaller-scale projects on Portland owned streets. We’ve heard a lot of interest in improvements to major streets and bridges and the project team will capture those priorities in the plan. They may be addressed in part by North Portland in Motion or by other future projects.
Address speeding on busy streets and reduce cut-through traffic.
Add and improve crossings on busy streets and near community destinations, like schools and parks.
Expand neighborhood greenways and improve and extend bike routes on busy streets.
Consider key North Portland places, including schools, parks, natural areas, and main streets.
Add and improve crossings at transit stops, add amenities to transit stops, and make traveling by bus faster and more reliable.
Activate community spaces, including public plazas and main streets.
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Check out our Public Engagement page that highlights community engagement activities done so far.
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We’ll include four types of projects in the North Portland in Motion Plan. In each project type, we’ll add or build a mix of the tools and strategies we described in the previous station.
Neighborhood Greenways are streets with low speeds and fewer cars that connect people to community destinations like schools, parks, and businesses. Traffic calming uses tools such as concrete barriers to reduce speeds and cut-through traffic. Learn more about greenways here.
Neighborhood Greenway projects will address the following project elements:
Safer Speeds | Better Crossings | ||
Bike Routes | Community Destinations |
PBOT is also working on a suite of programs to support these projects and address community concerns around trash, stormwater management, and trees.
To turn project layers on and off and to see existing and recently completed projects, click the icon in the upper left corner of the map.
Click each project to view more information about it.
Since these are community driven (with PBOT as a partner) and use different funding, they will evolve as opportunities arise.
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Spring/Summer 2021: Building Understanding. Fall 2021 through Summer 2022: Listening and learning, identifying investments. Fall/Winter 2022: Draft Plan and Implementation Strategy. Spring/Summer 2023: Final Plan Revisions and City Council Adoption.
Spring/Summer 2021: Building Understanding. Fall 2021 through Summer 2022: Listening and learning, identifying investments. Fall/Winter 2022: Draft Plan and Implementation Strategy. Spring/Summer 2023: Final Plan Revisions and City Council Adoption.Next, we will begin refining the projects and prioritizing them based on community feedback from this online open house and community events. In addition to community feedback, we will also refine and prioritize projects considering the project values, including equity, safety, connectivity, and feasibility analysis as well as partner input and priorities.
Later this fall, we’ll get back in touch with you to get your feedback on the Top Tier (or highest priority) projects to make sure we got it right.
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