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Welcome to the Woodburn Transportation System Plan Update Online Open House

The Woodburn Transportation System Plan guides how we develop our transportation system to meet the current and future needs of Woodburn over the next 20 years.

This open house is now closed, though you can learn more and provide feedback through the project website.

Video: 2 min 24 sec

View the information on this site using the buttons below or click "Get Started" above to move through the content in order.

Learn about the project background and goals. 
Learn about existing transportation conditions in Woodburn, and help identify problems. 
Use an interactive map to identify transportation problems or issues. 
Learn how we'll use your feedback and how you can stay involved with the process. 

= Page includes questions or opportunities for comment.

Overview and Goals

The Woodburn Transportation System Plan guides how we develop our transportation system to meet the current and future needs of Woodburn over the next 20 years. It considers all modes of transportation — pedestrians, bicycles, cars, trucks, buses and trains. It helps determine which projects, policies and programs receive funding.

Woodburn City Limits and Urban Growth Boundary

Why update the plan?

The City’s existing Transportation System Plan was adopted in 2005. It needs to be updated to reflect the transportation needs of our community today and into the future.

In 2016, 619 acres were added to Woodburn’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). It will be important for the updated plan to consider our expanding community and changing transportation patterns.

Project Outcomes

What will the plan do?

  1. Develop an updated TSP that provides a safe, efficient, and well-connected transportation network for all transportation modes (biking, walking, rolling, motor vehicles, rail, transit, truck freight) based on existing and planned land uses.
  2. Identify transportation projects, policies and programs that will accommodate Woodburn’s population over the next 20 years, including opportunities to provide transportation facilities and services to the expanded Urban Growth Boundary areas and new urban reserve areas.
  3. Determine funding opportunities for new and future transportation projects.
  4. Update the existing project list to meet current and future transportation needs.
  5. Build on existing adopted plans and planning efforts.
  6. Identify strategies to create safe environments for children walking and biking to school, such as the Oregon Safe Routes to School Program.

Existing Conditions

Learn about existing transportation conditions in Woodburn, and help identify problems.

Review the maps below to learn about current land uses, roadway jurisdictions, and future plans in Woodburn. Then, click "Next" to provide feedback about your experience with specific transportation modes.

Review the map of the existing roadway system below and give us feedback.

Existing Roadways

How would you rate the roadway network for cars in Woodburn?

(Check one.)

How would you rate the roadway network for freight in Woodburn?

(Check one.)

The pedestrian system consists of sidewalks, multi-use paths and trails, as well as marked and unmarked, signalized and unsignalized pedestrian crossings. Review the existing pedestrian system below and give us feedback.

Existing Pedestrian Facilities

How would you rate the on-street walking/rolling network (such as sidewalks and roadway crossings) in Woodburn?

(Check one.)

How would you rate off-street walking network (such as multi-use paths and trails) in Woodburn?

(Check one.)

What are the main barriers to walking in Woodburn?

(Check all that apply.)

Bicycle facilities consist of on-street bike lanes, shoulder bikeways and shared roadways, as well as off-street bike facilities such as bicycle parking and wayfinding signage. Review the map of the existing bicycle system below and give us feedback.

Existing Bicycle Facilities

How would you rate the on-street bicycling system (such as bike lanes and bike parking) in Woodburn?

(Check one.)

How would you rate the off-street bicycling system (such as multi-use paths and trails) in Woodburn?

(Check one.)

What are the main barriers to bicycling in Woodburn?

(Check all that apply.)

Review the map of the existing transit system below and give us feedback.

Existing Transit System

How would you rate the bus (transit) system in Woodburn?

(Check one.)

What are the main barriers to taking transit in Woodburn?

(Check all that apply.)

What is your highest priority for improving Woodburn's transportation system?

Comment Wall Answer

characters remaining.

Your answer to this question will be posted on this page for others to read. For the purpose of this exercise, you are limited to 140 characters. By leaving a comment, you are agreeing to our comment policy.

Read other comments...

Roadway system issues and needs:

  • Lack of connectivity
  • Major upgrades to north-south and east-west arterials
  • East-west accessibility
  • Intersections operating at capacity

Through a modeling exercise, it is clear that a focus on only capacity-based improvements will not be enough for the system to operate below standards. A mixture of connectivity and capacity-based improvements along with improvements to active transportation options will need to work together to support the whole transportation system.

Review the map of the existing roadway system needs and list of potential solutions below. Tell us which projects are important to you.

Potential Projects

Environmental Impact Engineering Challenge Consistency with Land Use

Relative Cost Preliminary Preferred Solution

Street Connectivity Improvements

South ArterialConstruct the Southern Arterial from Evergreen Road to OR 99E (2 lanes)!EIY!ECY!LUY$$$!X
Evergreen RoadExtend south to Parr Road!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Stacy Allison DriveExtend south to Parr Road!EIY!ECY!LUY$$$!X
Brown StreetExtend south to the South Arterial!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Woodland AvenueExtend west to Butteville Road through future development!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Ben Brown Lane from Settlemier Avenue to Elans WayRe-designate Ben Brown Lane as an Access Street!EIN!ECN!LUN$!X
Ben Brown LaneExtend Ben Brown Lane to Evergreen Road as an Access Street as part of future residential development!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X

Capacity-based Improvements

OR 219 from Butteville Road to Woodland AvenueWiden roadway to include two lanes in each direction and a two-way left-turn lane!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
OR 214 from Cascade Drive to OR 99EWiden roadway to include two lanes in each direction and a two-way left-turn lane!EIY!ECY!LUY$$$!X
OR 99E from Young Street to south UGBWiden roadway to provide a continuous two-way left-turn lane and wider shoulders (in conjunction with pedestrian and bicycle facility improvements)!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Parr RoadUpgrade to service collector urban standards!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Butteville Road, south of OR 219Upgrade to minor arterial urban standards!EIY!ECY!LUY$$$!X
Brown StreetUpgrade to service collector urban standards!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
OR 214/I-5 Southbound Ramp IntersectionSignal retiming!EIN!ECY!LUN$!X
Establish alternative mobility standards!EIN!ECN!LUN$
OR 214/I-5 Northbound Ramp IntersectionSignal retiming!EIN!ECY!LUN$!X
Establish alternative mobility standards!EIN!ECN!LUN$!X
OR 214/Evergreen Road IntersectionSignal retiming!EIN!ECY!LUN$!X
OR 214/Oregon Way/Country Club Road IntersectionSignal retiming!EIN!ECY!LUN$!X
OR 214/Front Street Ramp IntersectionInstall a traffic signal!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
OR 214/Park Street IntersectionInstall a traffic signal!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
OR 214/OR 211/OR 99E IntersectionReconfigure southbound approach to have two turn-lanes and the east leg to have two receiving lanes, including signal retiming!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Parr Road/Settlemier Avenue IntersectionInstall a traffic signal!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
OR 99E/Hardcastle Avenue IntersectionReconfigure the westbound approach to incorporate one left-turn lane and one thru-right turn lane!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Reconfigure the westbound approach to incorporate one left-turn lane and one thru-right turn lane and install a separate right-turn lane on the southbound approach, including signal retiming!EIY!ECY!LUY$$
OR 99E/Lincoln Street IntersectionReconfigure the eastbound approach to incorporate one left-turn lane and one thru-right turn lane!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Reconfigure the eastbound approach to incorporate one left-turn lane and one thru-right turn lane and install a separate right-turn lane on the southbound approach, including signal retiming!EIY!ECY!LUY$$
OR 99E/Young Street IntersectionInstall a third westbound lane to provide separate left, thru, and right turn lanes. Implement protected-permissive left-turn phasing on the eastbound and westbound approaches.!EIY!ECY!LUY$!X
OR 99E/Cleveland Street IntersectionInstall a traffic signal, including OR 99E coordination!EIN!ECY!LUY$!X

Safety Improvements

Butteville Road/Parr RoadRebuild intersection due to grades on approaches!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Southern OR 219/Butteville RoadRealign OR 219 to improve intersection(s) with Butteville Road!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Enhanced traffic control (traffic signal, roundabout, or other appropriate geometric enhancements)!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
Northern OR 214/Butteville Road IntersectionEnhanced traffic control (traffic signal, roundabout, or other appropriate geometric enhancements)!EIY!ECY!LUY$$!X
OR 99EUpdate roadway lighting to meet ODOT roadway lighting standards!EIY!ECY!LUY$!X
OR 99E access between Young Street and Cleveland StreetRestrict certain turning movements!EIN!ECY!LUY$
Close street accesses and potential lot consolidation!EIN!ECY!LUY$$!X
Front Street/Lincoln Street IntersectionEnhanced signs and pavement markings (e.g. stop signs, warning signs, and/or beacons)!EIN!ECN!LUY$!X
Front Street/Young Street/Garfield Street IntersectionEvaluate the intersection layout, signing, and striping in correlation to the railroad tracks. Provide clarification for westbound drivers trying to proceed through the intersection!EIY!ECY!LUY$!X
OR 99E/Tomlin AvenueRestrict the southbound left-turn movement!EIN!ECN!LUY$
Evaluate the intersection layout, signing, and striping, including any sight distance constraints!EIY!ECY!LUY$!X
City-wideEvaluate traffic safety along OR 99E, OR 219/OR214, Front Street, Evergreen Road, and other key corridors to identify appropriate countermeasures!EIN!ECY!LUY$!X


Do you agree with the preliminary preferred list of Roadway projects?

(Check one.)
60% Complete

Comment Map

Use the map below to identify any specific locations on the City’s transportation infrastructure where you have concerns, issues, or ideas for improvement.

Next Steps / Stay Informed

Thank you for participating! We will be using your feedback to develop and prioritize solutions to the transportation needs you’ve just reviewed and provided feedback on.

Project Schedule

Stay involved

  • Learn more at
  • Sign up for email updates below.

Final questions

Before you leave, be sure to submit any comments you've provided.

How do you usually get from one place to another?

Driving or riding in a car or other motor vehicle (Check one.)
Riding a bike (Check one.)
Walking (Check one.)
Taking the bus (Check one.)

Do you or a member of your family travel to and from school on any given day? If yes, please select the most common travel method(s) that you use.

(Check all that apply.)

Interested Parties Signup

Demographic Information (Optional)

We are requesting this information to help us evaluate the effectiveness of our public outreach. Providing this information is voluntary and optional.
How old are you? (Check one.)
How do you identify your gender? (Check one.)
Do you have a disability that affects your ability to travel in Woodburn? (Check one.)
How do you identify your race or ethnicity? (Check all that apply.)
100% Complete