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Can you imagine….

…Washington Park park without cars?

…walking through the tree tops?

Commenting on this site is now closed, but you are welcome to submit feedback through the project website.

Video: 1 min 21 sec (Vídeo en Español )

Last summer you gave us your great ideas and hopes for the park.

We studied and put those ideas into exciting new concepts that now need your input, so read on and...

Shape the future of Washington Park!

As you look through the concepts, imagine ... how you want to travel to and through the park, the experiences you want to have, and the qualities that could attract new visitors.


Go directly to a station using the buttons below, or at the top of the screen to move through the stations in order.

Learn about what the Master Plan Update will do. 
The Master Plan Update is guided by how people use the park today and the things they hope to do in the future. 
Learn how we used your input to make our plan. 
Explore and offer feedback on two possible circulation options for Washington Park. 
Give feedback on possible experiences and amenities that you would like to see in Washington Park. 
Tell us about you and find out how to stay involved. 

= Page includes questions or opportunities for comment.

What is the Washington Park Master Plan Update?

  • A vision for the next 25 years

  • A guide for how projects should work within a larger vision

Washington Park Overview Map

Why do we need to update the Washington Park Master Plan?

The existing Master Plan was done in 1981. Portland’s population has increased 50% and the entire Metro region has grown since then.Today:

  • The park must deliver more services and amenities to more people.
  • It is harder for visitors to enjoy the park due to increased congestion and confusion.
  • Many visitors find it challenging to define the park's character and define its boundaries.

What will the Master Plan do?

The purpose of this Master Plan Update is to maintain and enhance the visitor experience through design, improvements to infrastructure and the addition of needed amenities, and assure its long-term vitality. The Master Plan Update will create a set of clear guidelines by which future decisions about the environmental, cultural, economic and social aspects of the park are made in the best interest of current and future generations. It will make recommendations that both build upon and strengthen Washington Park’s legacy, beauty and assets, and address the conflicts and challenges that exist today.

The Master Plan update has been guided by a project vision and goals.

What won't the Master Plan do?

  • Make decisions that direct the internal function or operation of the cultural institutions and gardens within Washington Park.
  • Include detailed designs for any of the proposed changes.

The Washington Park Master Plan Process...

The life of a project from planning through design and construction.

What we've heard so far

  • From over 500 online surveys

  • Talking to folks in the park, and more

Last summer, we asked for your ideas and hopes. We set up tables in the park, interviewed people, took people on tours, went to the neighborhoods, held an online survey, and worked with a group of “champions.”

You told us what you like and don’t like


IDENTITY is important

  • Part of the City’s Fabric - Belongs to us, all Portlanders
  • World Class Cultural Institutions - Oregon Zoo, Japanese Garden, Hoyt Arboretum, etc.
  • The Region's "Backyard" - Nature, gardens, amphitheater, memorials, places to play

ACCESS is important

  • Transportation - Getting to the park
  • Circulation - Moving within the park
  • Wayfinding - Clarity and comfort


  • Facilities - Care and quality
  • Recreation - Opportunities and experience
  • Resiliency and Safety - Visitors and staff
  • Preservation - Historic, cultural and ecology
  • Economic Vitality - Of the park and the cultural institutions within it

Want to know more about what we learned? Read the Technical Memo Report

Big Ideas - Design Framework

What is the basic framework that guides all of the proposed big ideas?

The Master Plan Design Framework

Each of the new concepts has been designed with one basic framework. This builds on what we heard from you.

Improve Access

  • Car Free Experience – Improve access for people walking, biking, and taking public transportation.
  • Autos to the Edges – Once you arrive at Washington park, you won’t have to worry about sharing space with vehicles.

Unify the Park

  • Visitor Information – "Hubs" will have park event information, transportation choices, restrooms, gift shops, and other amenities.
  • Park Visibility – Enhanced gateways draw people into Washington Park and provide a sense of arrival.
  • Branding – No matter what your intended destination, you will feel connected to Washington Park.

Link the Experiences

  • Circulation as Experience – Getting around will be part of the attraction (canopy walk, people mover, greenway).


If Washington Park was your home, how would you furnish it?

Park Identity - Review the images, then select two favorites using the drop-down menus below.
What kind of chair would you pick for Washington Park?
Favorite 1 (Select one.)
Favorite 2 (Select one.)

Big Ideas - Two Hub Options

How do you want to get around Washington Park?

We're looking at two ways that you can get into and around the park and get the information you need. Both ideas build on the design framework.

Option 1: Single Hub

One visitor center, located at the sourthern end of the park by the MAX station.

  • Centralize arrival
  • Concentrate activity
  • Connect to robust internal park circulation – People Mover
  • Establish lower impact zones
  • Reduce access through the neighborhoods
  • Provide parking structures at edges of Park

Option 2: Multi Hub

Three visitor centers located by the MAX station, Hoyt Arboretum, and near the International Rose Test Garden.

  • Distribute arrival
  • Develop dispersed, smaller hubs
  • Connect to internal and external circulation systems
  • Reduce access through neighborhoods
  • Potential for new entry on West Burnside
  • Provide parking structures at edges of Park


Of the two concepts, which do you like best for...

Visitor Center(s), to get information and plan your day? (Check one.)
Parking structures to reduce large paved parking areas? (Check one.)
Which concept do you like best overall? (Check one.)

What do you think about...

A path/trail system that allows people who walk and roll to be separate from cars and shuttle buses? (Check one.)
Removing cars from much of the park and providing shuttles and more walking and bicycling paths? (Check one.)

Big Ideas - New Features

What cool new features should we add to Washington Park?

The following features are included in one or both of the Hub Concepts. As we choose and refine a plan, we’d like to know which features are the most important to you.


Which features would you most like to see? (Note: Pictured items 10–14 are key elements of the Hub Options. We will finalize their locations as we continue to work on the master plan. To provide more input on these locations, you can go back to Page 4: Big Ideas – Two Hub Options.)

Use the sliders to assign points. You have 45 points and you can assign up to 9 points per category.

Additional Gardens 1


Sculpture Garden 2


Playing Field 3


Forest Canopy Walk 4


Garden Café 5


Seasonal Food Carts 6


Upgraded Amphitheater 7


Indoor Garden 8


Single Track Bike Trails 9


Total Spent: 0/45

For the Indoor Garden & Cafe, which location do you like best? (Check one.)
For the Recreation spots (tennis, sports field, archery…), which do you like best? (Check one.)
What else would encourage you to spend more time in Washington Park? (Check one.)

What are the next steps for Washington Park?

Commenting on this site is now closed, but you are welcome to submit feedback through the project website.


The updated Master Plan is expected to be completed in Late 2017.

For additional information

Final Questions

Have you visited Washington Park before? (Check one.)
What do you do when you visit Washington Park? Where do you go? (Check all that apply.)
Did you attend the April 8 "Party in the Park" event? (Check one.)
How would you rate this (online) event? (Check one.)
How useful was the information presented here? (Check one.)

Please tell us more about yourself.


I am age: (Check one.)
I identify as: (Check all that apply.)
If you have children, how many dependent children do you have living with you under the age of 18? (Check one.)
What are the age groups of your children? (Check all that apply.)
Regarding residence, I: (Check one.)
100% Complete
