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Gladstone Community Library

Clackamas County is bringing a new Library to Gladstone. Through August 2, 2020, you can see draft design alternatives and tell us what you think.

Comments are no longer being collected through this open house, but you are welcome to send additional feedback to

Click or tap "Get Started" above to move through these pages in order — or use the buttons below in the order you choose.

Learn about the project background and goals. 
Learn how community comments shaped the design alternatives. 
Tell us what you think about the three draft design alternatives. 
Learn how we'll use your feedback and how you can stay involved. 

= Page includes questions or opportunities for comment.

This project is also bringing a new library, park and community center to the Oak Lodge community at the former Concord School property.

Click below to visit the online open house for the Concord Property and Oak Lodge Library:

Visit the Concord Library
Online Open House

Clackamas County is committed to building the Oak Lodge and Gladstone Community Project with construction estimated to start in winter 2022.


Clackamas County is bringing a new library to Gladstone. Over the last eight months, the design team drafted three design alternatives for your review after listening to community feedback and working with the Gladstone Community Library Planning Task Force.

At this online open house, you can find out more and share your ideas. Review the draft design alternatives on the following pages and tell us what you think.

Oak Lodge and Gladstone Open House Overview

The Gladstone community needs a new library

As part of an agreement made in October 2017 with the City of Gladstone, Clackamas County will build and operate one library at the previous Gladstone City Hall site, and another within the Oak Lodge library service area. The current libraries in Gladstone and Oak Lodge are in poor condition, do not meet structural or ADA standards, and do not meet community needs.


The project team has been working on a master plan for the library, which includes incorporating community feedback into a preferred design. Here’s what’s been happening, and where we’re headed next:



Project Location

The new Gladstone Library will be located at the previous Gladstone City Hall site — 525 Portland Avenue. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2022.

The new City Hall is located at 18505 Portland Avenue.

Dive deeper into the Gladstone Library design alternatives analysis:

Community Feedback

Feedback from you and hundreds of other community members helped shape design alternatives for the Gladstone Library. From fall 2019 through January 2020, Clackamas County reached out to the community through a survey (both online and on paper), an open house and focus groups.

Oak Lodge & Gladstone Community Project: Work Sessions

Results of previous outreach

We heard that these are the most important things to consider for the Gladstone Library:

  • Ensure space for activities for a range of ages, from young children to older adults.
  • Include space for a book shop.
  • Include community meeting areas.
  • Make the library feel children- and teen-friendly.

Read more about the previous round of outreach.

Design ideas

In early 2020, the design team hosted a design workshop for the Gladstone Library. Community members gave input on possible design solutions for the library. The team used that input to draft the design alternatives you’ll see today. See how they did it in the video above.

Task Force

The Gladstone Community Library Planning Task Force meets regularly to guide planning and give recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.

Read more about the task force.

The task force established values based on what its members felt are most important for the Gladstone community. These community values became the criteria used to evaluate the draft design alternatives. We’re using these criteria to ask you about the design alternatives.

Design Alternatives

Learn more about the three draft design alternatives and share your feedback.

Click through the tabs below and tell us which features make the most sense to you.

Alternatives and design criteria

The design team used public feedback to draft three design alternatives. These alternatives are intended to guide development of a final concept for the library — which means they show the important parts, but not a lot of detail. (That will come later.) Today you can learn more about each design alternative, then give your thoughts and feedback.

Portland Entry

Portland Entry
(Click to enlarge.)

Dartmouth Entry

Dartmouth Entry
(Click to enlarge.)

Corner Entry

Corner Entry
(Click to enlarge.)

Design Criteria

The criteria help differentiate between the three design alternatives. Click through the tabs and tell us which features make the most sense to you.

What are we not evaluating today?

Some design criteria will be important only in later stages. We’ll evaluate them later, but not today. For example:

  • Honors the community’s creative spirit and appreciation for the past through art and history. Respects and reflects the history of the community; offers opportunities to share and celebrate shared experiences.
  • Optimizes sustainable design. Includes environmentally and climate friendly materials, techniques and spaces.
  • Recognition of the community’s effort to realize the new Gladstone Library. Design concept reflects input from the public and larger community.
  • Planning toward the future for the library and community. Planning for future library trends, technologies, energy systems and thinking.

Criteria A: Creates a shared sense of community identity

Includes civic and community space for gathering and learning.

Portland Entry

Portland Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Meeting room opens to reading room
  • After-hours access to meeting room
  • Two small study rooms
  • Large plaza facing Portland Ave.
  • Desirable space for gathering

Dartmouth Entry

Dartmouth Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • After-hours access to meeting room
  • Courtyard usable for gathering and programs
  • One medium-sized study room
  • Large plaza facing E Dartmouth St.

Corner Entry

Corner Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Meeting room opens to children’s area
  • After-hours access to meeting room
  • Courtyard usable for gathering and programs
  • Two small study rooms
  • Medium-sized plaza facing Portland Ave. and E Dartmouth St.


Criteria A: Creates a shared sense of community identity.

Includes civic and community space for gathering and learning.

Which of the following Portland Entry features most successfully meet Criteria A? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Portland Entry alternative meet Criteria A? (Check one.)

Which of the following Dartmouth Entry features most successfully meet Criteria A? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Dartmouth Entry alternative meet Criteria A? (Check one.)

Which of the following Corner Entry features most successfully meet Criteria A? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Corner Entry alternative meet Criteria A? (Check one.)

Criteria B: Supports library activities

Includes spaces and facilities to allow for a positive experience for library patrons and staff.

Portland Entry

Portland Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Children’s area contained and facing Portland Ave.
  • Teen space centrally located in reading room
  • Meeting room opens up to the reading room
  • Book drop easily accessible near entry
  • Good sightlines from service desk, except to children’s area
  • Restrooms located away from children’s area

Dartmouth Entry

Dartmouth Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Children’s area contained and near the courtyard
  • Teen space and children’s area near one another
  • Book drop not connected to entry
  • Good sightlines from service desk except to teen area
  • Restrooms are located away from children’s area

Corner Entry

Corner Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Children’s area contained and near the courtyard / meeting room
  • Teen space contained and separate from children’s area
  • Meeting room opens up to children’s area
  • Book drop easily accessible near entry
  • Good sightlines from service desk
  • Restrooms located near children’s area


Criteria B: Supports library activities

Includes spaces and facilities to allow for a positive experience for library patrons and staff.

Which of the following Portland Entry features most successfully meet Criteria B? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Portland Entry alternative meet Criteria B? (Check one.)

Which of the following Dartmouth Entry features most successfully meet Criteria B? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Dartmouth Entry alternative meet Criteria B? (Check one.)

Which of the following Corner Entry features most successfully meet Criteria B? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Corner Entry alternative meet Criteria B? (Check one.)

Criteria C: Civic presence and community fit

Enhances and integrates into Gladstone’s Main Street area.

(Arrows indicate sightlines.)

Portland Entry

Portland Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Large plaza for sitting and gathering
  • Entry facing Portland Ave.
  • Good views into library from Portland Ave.
  • Solid north wall next to fire station

Dartmouth Entry

Dartmouth Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Large plaza for sitting and gathering
  • Entry facing E Dartmouth St.
  • Limited views into library from Portland Ave.
  • Large solid wall facing Portland Ave.
  • North side solid wall next to fire station

Corner Entry

Corner Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Medium-sized plaza for sitting and gathering
  • Entry facing Portland Ave / E Dartmouth St intersection
  • Good views into library / courtyard from Portland Ave.
  • Low solid north wall adjacent to fire station
  • High windows visible into library space on north side


Criteria C. Civic presence and community fit

Enhances and integrates into Gladstone's Main Street area.

Which of the following Portland Entry features most successfully meet Criteria C? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Portland Entry alternative meet Criteria C? (Check one.)

Which of the following Dartmouth Entry features most successfully meet Criteria C? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Dartmouth Entry alternative meet Criteria C? (Check one.)

Which of the following Corner Entry features most successfully meet Criteria C? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Corner Entry alternative meet Criteria C? (Check one.)

Criteria D: Provides access to nature and green space

Offers easy and available views, light and access to outdoors.

Portland Entry

Portland Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Rear courtyard next to fire station wall and property retaining wall
  • Smaller-sized courtyard
  • Courtyard visible from teen area and reading room
  • Landscaping surrounds library on both public streets

Dartmouth Entry

Dartmouth Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Rear courtyard next to fire station wall and property retaining wall
  • Larger-sized courtyard for meeting and gathering space
  • Courtyard can be accessed from the children’s area and study area
  • E Dartmouth St. landscaping visible from teen and children’s area

Corner Entry

Corner Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Side courtyard next to fire station and closer to Portland Ave.
  • Larger-sized courtyard for meeting and gathering space
  • Courtyard can be accessed from the children’s area, reading room and teen area
  • Landscaping surrounds library on both public streets


Criteria D: Provides access to nature and green space

Offers easy and available views, light and access to outdoors.

Which of the following Portland Entry features most successfully meet Criteria D? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Portland Entry alternative meet Criteria D? (Check one.)

Which of the following Dartmouth Entry features most successfully meet Criteria D? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Dartmouth Entry alternative meet Criteria D? (Check one.)

Which of the following Corner Entry features most successfully meet Criteria D? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Corner Entry alternative meet Criteria D? (Check one.)

Criteria E: Supports stewardship of funding

Within budget; good value for money; provides for cost-efficient operations.

Portland Entry

Portland Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Total project cost: $4.9M
  • Efficient operations: Book drop serves both entry and library workroom
  • Less efficient operations: Location of children’s area may require more oversight by staff

Dartmouth Entry

Dartmouth Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Total project cost: $5.1M
  • Efficient operations: Children’s area location good for staff oversight
  • Less efficient operations: Book drop serves workroom but further from public entry –may require second book drop

Corner Entry

Corner Entry
(Click to enlarge.)
  • Total project cost: $4.9M
  • Efficient operations: Book drop serves both entry and library workroom
  • Efficient operations: Children’s area location good for staff oversight
  • Efficient operations: Library staff oversight of all parts of library


Criteria E: Supports stewardship of funding

Within budget; good value for money; provides for cost-efficient operations.

Which of the following Portland Entry features most successfully meet Criteria E? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Portland Entry alternative meet Criteria E? (Check one.)

Which of the following Dartmouth Entry features most successfully meet Criteria E? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Dartmouth Entry alternative meet Criteria E? (Check one.)

Which of the following Corner Entry features most successfully meet Criteria E? (Check all that apply.)
Overall, how well does the Corner Entry alternative meet Criteria E? (Check one.)

Comparing Alternatives

If you provided responses on the previous tabs, here is how you rated the performance of each of the design alternatives:

CriteriaPortland EntryDartmouth EntryCorner Entry

A. Creates a shared sense of community identity.

Fully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sure

B. Supports library activities.

Fully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sure

C. Civic presence and community fit.

Fully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sure

D. Provides access to nature and green space.

Fully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sure

E. Supports stewardship of funding.

Fully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sureFully meetsPartially meetsDoes not meetNot sure

Fully meets = Fully meets  Partially meets = Partially Meets  Does not meet = Does not meet  Not sure = Don't know

Task Force preliminary endorsement. Learn more.


Considering how each option performs according to the criteria, which option do you think makes the most sense? (Rank the options below.)
Click and drag the options listed below into this box, then arrange by priority.
  • Portland Entry Not ranked.
  • Dartmouth Entry Not ranked.
  • Corner Entry Not ranked.

80% Complete

Next Steps

Thank you for your feedback.

The Concord Property and Library Planning Task Force will review your feedback and determine a preferred alternative, which will be refined by the design team. The refined alternative will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration this fall. If the recommendation is accepted, the schematic design phase will begin. Learn more.

Design Process

Stay Involved

Final Questions

Tell us about yourself

Where do you live? (Check one.)
On average, how often do you visit the current Gladstone Library? (Check one.)
On average, how often do you visit other libraries in the Clackamas County Library District? (Ledding Library, Oregon City Library, West Linn Library, etc.)? (Check one.)
How do you get to the library? (Check all that apply.)
What are the best ways to communicate with you? (Check all that apply.)
How did hear about this online open house? (Check all that apply.)

Optional Demographic Questions

We are requesting the following demographic information to help evaluate the effectiveness of our public outreach activities. Providing this information is voluntary.
What is your age? (Check one.)
How do you describe your race/ethnicity (Check all that apply.)
What is your gender (Check one.)
Do you rent or own your home? (Check one.)

Before you leave, be sure to submit any comments you've provided. (The option to review and submit answers will appear after you answer at least one question.)

100% Complete