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Help plan Albany's waterfront

Albany is taking the next steps in improving our waterfront and how it connects to downtown. New waterfront development will help create one of the most unique downtowns in Oregon. When complete, our waterfront will be a major downtown anchor, restoring the community’s historic link to our rivers.

(This site is now closed to new comments, but you can always submit feedback to Watch for our next online open house in late April.)

The questions on this site should take about 10 minutes to answer. You may use the links below to skip to specific information, or click "Get Started" above.

Learn more about what this project will do 
Learn about the three project areas and tell us what kinds of amenities and activities you want to see on the waterfront. 
Share what you know about the waterfront and give us your ideas for improvements. 
Learn about the next steps in the process and answer a few final questions. 

= Page includes questions or opportunities for comment.


Today, our riverfront is separated from downtown Albany by parking lots, Water Avenue, railroad tracks, and missing sidewalks and crossing options. The connection between downtown Albany and its waterfront has become hidden by thick foliage and poor water access.

This process will improve the connection between downtown Albany and the waterfront by creating plans for projects in Monteith Riverpark, along the Dave Clark Trail, and on Water Avenue.

Project Overview: 1 min 28 sec

Why are we doing this?

  • The Albany waterfront is a unique public space that’s underused even though it’s free to everyone. It’s also an important part of Albany’s economy, hosting events that attract thousands of visitors each year.
  • An improved waterfront can better support more visitors and events that could bring new investment to the whole city. Improved street crossings, water access, and park facilities will allow more members of our community to more easily access and enjoy this unique resource.
  • Albany is among the last major cities on the Willamette to invest in its waterfront. Other cities have seen economic benefits from this type of investment, so we know that a vibrant waterfront can encourage positive redevelopment that will attract visitors, businesses, and jobs.
  • To date, every dollar spent on public improvements in the Albany Revitalization area has brought in roughly six dollars of private investment.

Things we've heard...

  • The waterfront is underused. Most Albany residents don’t think much about the river and many visitors don’t even know it’s there.
  • River access and views are limited. It’s hard to see or access the water from downtown, particularly for boaters. This is a missed opportunity. There is also limited safe access for swimming.
  • The waterfront feels unsafe sometimes. Parts of the waterfront are not visible or well-lit, making some areas vulnerable to camping, vandalism, and illegal activities.
  • Monteith Park has great concerts and festivals, attracting more than 10,000 people each year... However, there are few other reasons to go there today.
  • Water Avenue is primarily used to access parking lots. The street, railroad, and parking lots are a barrier to accessing the waterfront. Trains aren’t a significant problem today, but that might change in the future. Safe crossings are needed.
  • The Dave Clark Trail is great for walking and jogging, but some people don’t go there because of safety concerns. There aren’t many destinations to encourage people to use the path.
  • People will want to know: Will this project be realistic, affordable and benefit the rest of Albany? How this project is different from previous projects? Will we have enough parking? How will we deal with the railroad?

We will consider all this feedback and your questions as we think about new waterfront improvements.

Questions: Tell us how you use Albany's waterfront today

About how often do you visit Albany's waterfront? (Check one.)
Which amenities and activities attract you to the Albany waterfront today? (Check all that apply.)
Are there reasons why you don't you visit the waterfront more often? (Check all that apply.)
What is the main thing we need to know about Albany's waterfront?

characters remaining.

Your answer to this question will be posted on this page for others to read. For the purpose of this exercise, you are limited to 200 characters, (you can submit longer comments on the last page of this site). By leaving a comment, you are agreeing to our comment policy.

Read other comments...

40% Complete

Project Areas

Use the tabs below to learn about the three project areas, then answer the questions at the bottom of the page to tell us what kinds of amenities and activities you want to see on the waterfront.

Project Area Overview: 1 min 44 sec

Monteith Park

This project will identify programming, design themes, new amenities, and safety improvements for Monteith Park. These choices could change the look and feel of the park, support new types of events, improve accesssibility, and help connect the park more directly with the water, downtown, and with area history. This process will also consider public safety by improving park lighting and visibility.

Review the images below and then answer the questions at the bottom of the page.


What new features or amenities would you like to see at Monteith Riverpark? Refer to the images above and rate each of the possible improvements below.

Plaza street (Check one.)
Splash pad (Check one.)
Temporary shade structure (Check one.)
Art (Check one.)
Restrooms (Check one.)
Beach access (Check one.)
Hand-carried boat launch (Check one.)
Terraced lawn seating (Check one.)
Updated banner signage (Check one.)
Interpretive signage (Check one.)
Improved playground (Check one.)
Improved bandshell (Check one.)
River edge restoration (Check one.)
Improved picnic facilities (Check one.)

Dave Clark Trail

This project will plan how to preserve and restore the natural areas along the water’s edge. We will consider lighting and safety improvements; adding new spaces along the existing trail; widening the trail and improving accessibility; and exploring how to use the existing river piers to improve views and river access. This part of the riverfront is also uniquely natural for an urban area. We will look at how to preserve this uniquely natural character and enhance habitat.

Review the images below and then answer the questions at the bottom of the page.


What new features or amenities would you like to see along the Dave Clark Trail? Refer to the images above and rate each of the possible improvements below.

Improved trail surface (Check one.)
Seating (Check one.)
Art (Check one.)
Open up views (Check one.)
Updated lighting (Check one.)
Pocket parks (Check one.)
Piers (Check one.)
Habitat restoration (Check one.)
Play and discovery (Check one.)

Water Avenue

Water Avenue and the railroad tracks block access to the park and river. This project will refine and finalize improvements for Water Avenue. Changes may include new street trees, planting areas, sidewalks, and improved pedestrian crossings; improved railroad crossings; removing overhead utilities; reassessing parking needs; and features that allow some parts of the street to be closed to cars during festivals.

Review the images below and then answer the questions at the bottom of the page.


Do you agree with the proposed improvements to Water Avenue? (Check one.)
60% Complete

Places and Ideas Map

Share what you know about the waterfront and give us your ideas for improvements.

Map Key

Ideas and Opportunities

Use the "lightbulb" to show locations where you have ideas for changes or improvements.

Special Places or Resources

Use the "star" to show us where you like to go or things that bring you to the waterfront today.

Concern or Problem Spot

Share locations that feel unsafe or experience other problems we should know about..

Comments or Questions

If no other categories apply, you can just ask questions or provide general comments about a specific location.

(You can also submit open ended comments on the next page if they don't apply to a specific location on this map.)

INSTRUCTIONS: Click the "Add Comment" button to show options for placing a comment on the map. (At smaller screen sizes, click "Map Options" to show the comment button.) Once submitted, your comment will appear with an icon. To read other comments, just click the icons on the map. Click "Reset" to re-center the map.

80% Complete

Next Steps

Thanks for helping create a vision for Albany's waterfront. Watch for the next open house later this spring when we will share draft concepts for how to improve Monteith Park, the Dave Clark Trail, and Water Avenue.

(This site is now closed to new comments, but you can always submit feedback to

Next Steps: 1 min 31 sec


We’ll take what we’ve heard and develop draft waterfront concepts. We'll share these ideas later this spring and collect public feedback before developing a single draft concept this summer. The final plan is expected to be approved by City Council this fall.

A phased approach to construction will allow individual projects to be built over time. Pending final review, approval, and permitting, construction of individual projects could begin as early as fall/winter 2021.

Stay Involved

Provide your email below and consider sharing optional information about yourself so that we know who we are hearing from. We’ll add you to our email list and can keep you informed of the next opportunity to provide input on the project.

Albany Waterfront project schedule

Final Questions

How did you hear about this online open house? (Check all that apply.)

Tell us about yourself

Where do you live?
(Check one.)

Demographics (Optional)

The following questions help us know if we are reaching a representative cross-section of the community. They are completely optional.

What is your gender? (Check one.)
How old are you? (Check one.)
How do you describe your race or ethnicity? (Check all that apply.)
What languages do you speak at home? (Check all that apply.)
100% Complete