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Transit Tomorrow is Lane Transit District’s (LTD) effort to find out how we can better move the people we serve to the destinations that are important to them.

In this second online open house, LTD is seeking community input on where and how often the bus should run in Eugene and Springfield.

This site is currently closed to new comments, however you can continue to follow the project and submit comments though the project website.

Visit the pages on this site using the buttons below or click "Get Started" to move through the information in order.

Learn about LTD and Transit Tomorrow. 
In designing bus service, we need to consider two competing priorities: ridership and coverage. 
The more LTD chooses to reduce fares, the less it can afford to increase service. 
Tell us a little about you and how you use transit. 
Find out what happens next and how to stay involved. 

= Page includes questions or opportunities for comment.


Lane Transit District (LTD) has launched Transit Tomorrow, an effort to understand how LTD’s services should be distributed in Eugene and Springfield, and what changes might take place over the next three years.

Through this effort, LTD is considering four different scenarios for how service could change based on two major trade-offs:

For more information on the four scenarios and their potential outcomes, you can visit the Transit Tomorrow document library and read the Scenarios Report.

Ridership vs. Coverage

Is it more important to provide frequent service in places that will attract the most riders, or to provide a little bit of service to as many places as possible?

Service vs. Affordability

Is it more important to use new resources to increase service, or to reduce the cost of getting on the bus?

Community input will guide LTD’s decision on these two important questions. On the following pages, we would like you to tell us what you think.

Trade-offs: ridership or coverage? Service or lower fares?
Trade-offs. Where should LTD focus its resources over the next three years?

Ridership or Coverage?

What is more important? Serving the most riders by providing frequent service to the places where the most people go, or providing the most coverage to as many places as possible?

The following maps show what weekday bus service could look like if LTD focused mostly on ridership, or mostly on coverage. On these maps:

  • Red lines mean frequent service, a bus every 15 minutes or better.
  • Dark blue lines mean a bus every 30 minutes.
  • Light blue lines mean a bus every 60 minutes.

Remember, these maps are illustrations of what is possible, not proposals for actual service changes.

Option: High Ridership Network

(Click to enlarge.)

High Ridership Network Map


  • Frequent routes on main streets. Some areas lose service.
  • 145,000 residents and 88,000 jobs within a 1/2-mile of frequent service.
  • 14% more jobs accessible by transit in 45 minutes or less, door-to-door.

Option: High Coverage Network

(Click to enlarge.)

High Coverage Network Map


  • Service to as many places as possible. Reduced frequency in some areas.
  • 92,000 residents and 60,000 jobs within a 1/2-mile of frequent service.
  • 1% fewer jobs accessible by transit in 45 minutes or less, door-to-door.


Ridership or Coverage?

Which of these two possible networks best matches the bus service you would like to see in Eugene and Springfield?

(Check one.)
Why do you feel ridership is more important? (Check all that apply.)
Why do you feel coverage is more important? (Check all that apply.)
Do you agree with any of the following? Feel free to provide other thoughts about your answer. (Check all that apply.)

More Service or Lower Fares?

The more LTD chooses to reduce fares, the less it can afford to increase service. Which is more valuable?

LTD will soon start receiving new funds from the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF).

Prior community input suggests two main uses for these funds: more frequent service on weekends, and reduced fares. But, the more money we spend on service, the less we can reduce fares.

Note that LTD is already considering expanding its low-income pass program, and introducing a youth pass to eliminate fares for school-aged children.

Option: More Service

If LTD focused only on adding service...

  • Weekend service would increase by 50%.
  • Most routes would operate at the same frequency, 7 days per week.
  • Fares probably wouldn’t change much.

Option: Lower Fares

If LTD focused only on lowering fares...

  • The cost of the average fare or pass would decrease by up to 50%.
  • This could mean a lower regular fare and more discounts for students, seniors, people with disabilities and people with low incomes.
  • Weekend service wouldn’t improve from current levels.
  • All routes would operate less frequently on weekends than on weekdays.


More Service or Lower Fares?

Which of these two options is more valuable to you?

(Check one.)
Why do you feel service is important? (Check all that apply.)
Why do you feel lower fares are important? (Check all that apply.)
Do you agree with any of the following? Feel free to provide other thoughts about your answer. (Check all that apply.)
67% Complete

About You

Tell us a little about you and how you use transit.


How often do you ride transit? (Check one.)
What is your primary way to travel in the region? (Check one.)
Which of the following statements apply to you? (Check all that apply.)
How did you hear about this online open house? (Check all that apply.)
83% Complete

Next Steps

Thank you for participating! Your feedback will help guide Transit Tomorrow in proposing changes to LTD’s bus network. Find out what happens next and how to stay involved.

Process Overview

Next Steps

  • A stakeholder and public engagement effort will gain input from the community on the scenarios and key trade-offs.
  • Based on community input, the LTD Board of Directors will direct the Transit Tomorrow design team to develop a proposed network for the next three years.
  • A draft of the proposed network will be presented to the Board in late spring.
  • If the proposed network is very different from LTD’s current service, you may see significant service changes starting in fall 2020.

Final Questions

(All of these questions are optional.)

Demographic Information (Optional)

Help us understand who is answering this survey! By answering the optional questions below, you can help LTD know whether this survey has reached a representative cross-section of the community.

With which gender do you identify? (Check one.)
How would you describe your job or occupation? (Check all that apply.)
What is your total annual household income? (Check one.)
How many people currently live in your household? (Check one.)
What language do you most often speak at home? (Check one.)
Are you of Hispanic or Latino descent? (Check one.)
What is your race/ethnicity? (Check all that apply.)
100% Complete