
Welcome to the Oregon Transportation Safety Action Plan (TSAP) Online Open House #2

"Oregon envisions no deaths or life-changing injuries on our transportation system by 2035."

- Policy Advisory Committee Draft Vision

Many of you gave us input that helped shaped the Draft Vision, Goals and Policies. Now the Policy Advisory Committee needs your input again to continue building the plan.

The online open house is now closed. Thank you for your input.

You may go directly to a station using the buttons below, or click the Get Started button at the top of the screen to move through the stations in order.


Learn what TSAP is and what will come out of this process.
Understand which factors contribute to fatal and serious injury crashes in Oregon.
Learn about the draft goals, policies, and strategies; and give us feedback.
Provide your input on what we as Oregonians should invest in first to end serious crashes.
Tell us about you and learn how you can stay involved in the TSAP update process.


The Transportation Safety Action Plan (TSAP) describes how we as Oregonians will move forward to create a safer travel environment for everyone.

Why are we doing this?

  • The Plan is part of a set of statewide policy plans, all under the Oregon Transportation Plan, that establish a vision and policy framework for decision making.
  • This update will ensure that Oregon’s safe transportation strategies are keeping pace with current challenges to our transportation system. This update will also help focus safety efforts on the factors that contribute most to our transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries, while encouraging safety programs and practices that address other significant safety problems. This is consistent with federal guidelines.

Who is doing this?

  • This plan is for all of Oregon. Its development is being led by the Oregon Department of Transportation with significant involvement from stakeholders, including the Policy Advisory Committee, which is made up of a diverse set of participants. The PAC's recommendations will go to the Governor-appointed Oregon Transportation Safety Committee and the Oregon Transportation Commission, which are ultimately responsible for adopting the plan.

Crashes in Oregon

In order to identify effective safety strategies, the project team and the PAC needed to identify which factors contributed most heavily to fatal and serious injury crashes.

Crash History and Trends

This study began by looking at crash data collected from all public roads in Oregon as recorded in crash reports recorded by law enforcement from 2009 to 2013 (the most recent complete year available when the team prepared the assessment). The study did not consider unreported crashes or crashes that did not result in fatalities or serious (life-changing) injuries.

  • The study found a general trend of increased serious injuries during the study period. (Note: In 2011 there was a change in how injuries were recorded and this resulted in what appears to be a higher than normal increase for the injury numbers that year, though the actual increase is not as high. The way fatal crashes were counted was not affected.)
  • Fatalities decreased in the study period, from 377 in 2009 to 313 in 2013. However, recently released information reveals an increase over the last two years.

Contributing Factors

The project team studied a number of different crash categories to help identify which were the most contributors to Oregon's crashes:

Frequency and Severity

The most serious crash categories were charted as a function of frequency and rate of severity crashes. This data is helpful in assessing the significance of different crash categories. For example:

  • Intersection-related crashes are among the most frequent crash types in the state; however, the severity rate of intersection crashes is relatively low. Only 2% of all intersection-related crashes have a fatal or serious injury.
  • On the other hand, Motorcyclists involved crashes are approximately half as frequent as intersection crashes, but have the highest severity rate of all crash types in the state. Nearly a quarter (24%) of all motorcycle crashes involve a fatality or serious injury.

Crashes by Region

While the crash types and contributing factors are largely the same across the state, there are regional differences in the distribution of crashes:

Vision, Goals, Policies, and Strategies

Vision: Oregon envisions no deaths or life-changing injuries on our transportation system by 2035.

About the Vision, Goals and Policies:

Early last year we asked people from throughout Oregon to tell us about their key transportation safety issues. Since then, the project team has worked with a Policy Advisory Committee to shape those issues into a Vision, as well as Draft Goals, Policies and Strategies to achieve that Vision. These will shape decisions as we plan for and invest in our transportation system.

What we want to know:

Are the Goals on the right track? Are the policies and strategies to achieve the goals appropriate? Click through the tabs below to read the goals, then give us your feedback at the bottom of this page. To see the initial strategies, click on a policy.

Transform public attitudes to recognize all transportation system users have responsibility for other people’s safety in addition to their own safety while using the transportation system. Transform organizational transportation safety culture among employees and agency partners (e.g., State Agencies, MPOs, Local Agencies, Oregon Health Authority, stakeholders and public and private employers) to integrate safety considerations into all responsibilities.

(Click the policies below to show potential strategies.)

  • Strategy 1.1.1 - Provide transportation leaders and staff with training, information, and education on proven methods to integrate safety into all aspects of the planning, programming, project development, construction, maintenance and operations processes.
  • Strategy 1.1.2 - Implement best practices for ongoing enhancement of safety culture training, information and tools within ODOT and across agencies and stakeholders.
  • Strategy 1.1.3 - Conduct program planning, implementation and evaluation to address behavioral and health related transportation safety.
  • Strategy 1.1.4 - Coordinate and collaborate with public and private employers to implement work related transportation safety programs.

  • Strategy 1.2.1 – Promote safe travel behavior through educational initiatives in collaboration with state, county and local transportation agencies , private sector interests, media organizations, and transportation and safety interest groups. Focus on how system user behavior can contribute to a safer transportation system for all users.
  • Strategy 1.2.2 – Tailor safety culture marketing and media tools to specific user groups with specific needs (e.g., youth, older travelers, walkers, bikers, minority groups and different income groups).
  • Strategy 1.2.3 – Evaluate the safety effectiveness of educational activities for agency, public and stakeholder perceptions about safety culture.

  • Strategy 1.3.1 - Collaborate with state, regional, and local transportation and safety agencies, and other stakeholders, to identify walking, biking, or driving behaviors which could be addressed through legislation. Identify and pursue legislation to modify these behaviors.

Develop and improve infrastructure to reduce fatalities and serious injuries for users of all modes.

(Click the policies below to show potential strategies.)

  • Strategy 2.1.1 – Develop a strategic plan for safety data enhancement and sharing that integrates the findings and needs of a strategic safety data plan with other strategic data planning efforts at ODOT and supports safety analysis across all divisions at ODOT and with partner agencies and stakeholders.
  • Strategy 2.1.2 – Identify and implement new methods for crash, roadway and exposure (e.g. vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle volume) data collection, sharing, and storage.
  • Strategy 2.1.3 – Support national safety research and lead state and local research to identify opportunities to enhance data analysis techniques and test countermeasures to reduce crash frequency or severity.
  • Strategy 2.1.4 – Reseach and consider new methods to improve safety data availability and access to other agencies and safety provider as well as the public as appropriate.

  • Strategy 2.2.1 – Update manuals, guides, processes and procedures, etc. to include quantitative safety analysis in planning, project development and design, programs and maintenance activities to include using predictive methods and tools.
  • Strategy 2.2.2 – Include safety benefits in ODOT project prioritization processes.
  • Strategy 2.2.2 – Implement planning, program, and project-level performance measures and/or indicators to monitor safety outcomes on all public roads for all modes.

  • Strategy 2.3.1 – Implement Practical Design and/or other proven and exploratory approaches to reduce roadway departure and intersection crash frequency and severity.
  • Strategy 2.3.2 – Ensure design standards fully consider both design and desired operating speed in order to achieve planned transportation system safety outcomes.
  • Strategy 2.3.3 – Implement best practices to minimize crash frequency and severity for all modes and all people in construction work zones.
  • Strategy 2.3.4 – Implement best practices related to traffic incident management services to reduce secondary crashes and improve system operations and reliability.
  • Strategy 2.3.5 – Include quantitative safety considerations in operations and maintenance decisions processes.
  • Strategy 2.3.6 – Promote access management practices that improve system safety for all modes..
  • Strategy 2.3.7 – Research and enhance enforcement and emergency medical service communications systems as feasible to improve response time and services for all travelers in Oregon.
  • Strategy 2.3.8 – Promote roundabouts to improve safety.
  • Strategy 2.3.9 – Continue to plan, design and implement best practices for rail safety program and systems management.
  • Strategy 2.1.4 – Evaluate safety countermeasures for pilot projects and large scale implementation as appropriate..

  • Strategy 2.4.1 - Work with state, local and regional agencies to implement best practices in setting community speed limits.
  • Strategy 2.4.2 - Work with state, local and regional agencies to evaluate and implement best practices for safety in school zones.

Plan, design, and implement safe systems, and enforcement and emergency medical services.to improve the safety and livability of communities, including health outcomes.

(Click the policies below to show potential strategies.)

  • Strategy 3.6.1 – Coordinate and collaborate with local jurisdictions to identify community safety concerns and establish solutions through transportation planning, design, construction and maintenance..
  • Strategy 3.6.2 – Educate transportation planning and design professionals on how to incorporate safer facilities and accommodations into community projects, using the concepts of context sensitive design.

  • Strategy 3.1.1 - Support a data-driven and high visibility enforcement program with approaches such as increased traffic, bicycle and pedestrian law enforcement capabilities (priority and funding) and use of data analysis to efficiently deploy enforcement resources to locations or corridors.
  • Strategy 3.1.2 - Expedite traffic investigations to reduce traffic delays and to improve quality and timeliness of crash data.
  • Strategy 3.1.3 - Expand culturally sensitive media, outreach, and communication for national and statewide education/enforcement campaigns.
  • Strategy 3.1.4 – Expand law enforcement beyond standard traffic enforcement responsibilities to support improved community safety in activites such as delivering education classes on safer behaviors in schools, jails or detention centers.
  • Strategy 3.1.5 - Conduct education and outreach to law enforcement to increase understanding and enforcement of traffic, commercial vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle laws.

  • Strategy 3.2.1 - Identify community needs for funding and training to enhance traffic safety programs and enforcement.

  • Strategy 3.3.1 - Identify community needs for funding and training to enhance EMS systems and improve response times and services. Recognize and address the differing needs of paid and volunteer providers.

  • Strategy 3.4.1 – Enhance perceptions of security by identifying and implementing appropriate facility design, lighting,and other changes to the built environment to improve personal security.
  • Strategy 3.4.2 – Identify opportunities to improve transportation system security and safeguard critical infrastructure against natural and manmade disasters
  • Strategy 3.4.3 – Facilitate communication and coordination between transportation agencies, EMS, and law enforcement on evacuation planning and emergency preparedness.

  • Strategy 3.5.1 – Explore methods to implement safety programs and funding equitably between urban and rural communities.
  • Strategy 3.5.2 – Provide transportation safety educational opportunities for people of all ages and income levels.
  • Strategy 3.5.3 – Support adequate funding for EMS particularly in rural and remote areas.
  • Strategy 3.5.4 – Encourage implementation of Safe Communities statewide.

Plan, prepare for and implement technologies (existing and new) that can affect transportation safety for all users, including pilot testing innovative technologies as appropriate.

(Click the policies below to show potential strategies.)

  • Strategy 4.1.1 – Explore and integrate, as feasible (considering potential economic, environmental, business, privacy etc impacts), technology to reduce crash frequency and severity, prioritizing implementation of technologies that address safety emphasis areas.
  • Strategy 4.1.2 – Support research efforts that explore safety technology applications and testing.
  • Strategy 4.1.3 – Prepare an implementation strategy for connected and autonomous vehicles in order to leverage the potential safety benefits associated with these technologies.
  • Strategy 4.1.4 – Bring public and private sector stakeholders together to explore opportunities for applying technology solutions towards safety objectives, as well as to identify existing and potential future barriers to implementing new technologies. Consider potential economic, business, environmental, and privacy impacts of deploying technologies.

  • Strategy 4.2.1 – Provide leadership and staff support to statewide efforts to improve data availability, quality, and consistency across agencies.
  • Strategy 4.2.2 – Support data strategic planning efforts to ensure safety data needs are considered and integrated.
  • Strategy 4.2.3 – Develop tools to facilitate MPO, County and local agency data sharing and analysis.

  • Strategy 4.3.1 – Develop statewide resources to share best practices, tools and training for statewide and systemwide deployment.
  • Strategy 4.3.2 - Implement technology advances equitably between urban and rural areas with appropriate and context-sensitive measures.
  • Strategy 4.3.3 - Explore methods to ensure that the safety benefits of technology are extended equitably to underserved system users and the transportation disadvantaged.

  • Strategy 4.4.1 – Support innovations in enforcement technology, such as innovations in field testing for alcohol and drug impairment testing in automated enforcement, and support legislation to enable its implementation.
  • Strategy 4.4.2 – Review regulations that may impact the adoption of innovative technology and support appropriate new laws and/or amend administrative rules or standards that may constrain implementation of advanced technology.

Create and support a collaborative environment for transportation system providers and public and private stakeholders, to work together to reduce crash frequency and severity.

(Click the policies below to show potential strategies.)

  • Strategy 5.1.1 - Work with the media to cultivate a safety culture message and work with and inform the public to promote a culture of safety. Ensure campaigns are sensitive to Oregon demographics.
  • Strategy 5.1.2 – Develop consistent, culturally sensitive safety messaging that can be utilized across a variety of organizations, events, distribution media, and target audiences.
  • Strategy 5.1.3 - Work with educators in the state’s public school system (including community colleges and other locations where transportation disadvantaged groups such as recent immigrants, newly-licensed adult drivers, ESL populations, etc. are likely to be found) to improve awareness and understanding of transportation laws and other information that supports a transportation safety culture. Ensure campaigns are sensitive to Oregon demographics.

  • Strategy 5.2.1 - Develop a consistent internal (among partners and agencies) communication protocol for transportation safety topics.
  • Strategy 5.2.2 – Evaluate agency awareness and implementation of safety activities through periodic statewide surveys.

  • Strategy 5.3.1 - Engage ODOT Regions and Divisions, MPOs, ACTs, Tribes, Cities, Counties, thehealth and medical community, transportation services, enforcement and emergency medical service and traffic incident management providers in safety planning and implementation
  • Strategy 5.3.2 - Integrate communications protocols with emergency medical service providers and make commitments for training on those protocols
  • Strategy 5.3.3 - Identify joint legislative safety priorities amongst agencies and provide educational information to State legislators.
  • Strategy 5.3.4 - Review crash report forms to ensure appropriate data is collected and extraneous data is eliminated. Provide training and education on resulting form.
  • Strategy 5.3.5 - Promote sharing and leveraging of resources across programs, communities and agencies.
  • Strategy 5.3.6 – Participate in federal rulemaking and guidance development programs to maximize opportunities to achieve the TSAP Vision.

Target safety funding for effective education, enforcement, engineering, and emergency medical services priorities.

(Click the policies below to show potential strategies.)

  • Strategy 6.1.1 – Continue to develop a quantitative, predictive, data-driven decision framework (including risk based assessments) to integrate safety measures into project prioritization and programming.
  • Strategy 6.1.2 – Encourage the use of benefit cost analysis (or similar) in prioritizing safety projects.

  • Strategy 6.2.1 – Collaborate with mental and physical health care providers to leverage funding for behavioral related safety programs.
  • Strategy 6.2.2 – Continue to develop a data-driven decision framework to integrate quantitative safety performance into behavioral related prioritization and programming.
  • Strategy 6.2.3 – Identify funding needs to optimize emergency medical services and enforcement to minimize injuries post-crash.
  • Strategy 6.2.4 – Evaluate effectiveness of behavioral safety programs to maximize benefits of safety investments.

  • Strategy 6.3.1 – Identify new sources of potential funding that can be dedicated and targeted to strategic investments that return greatest safety benefits.
  • Strategy 6.3.2 – While complying with federal safety funding requirements and limitations, continue to promote opportunities to leverage funding sources in order to maximise safety benefits and outcomes.
  • Strategy 6.3.3 – Use Practical Design techniques as appropriate to ensure safety funds for planning, design, maintenance and operations of infrastructure to achieve the broadest system benefits possible.

Give us your feedback...

Are the goals on the right track? (Check one.)
67% Complete

Emphasis Areas

The Emphasis Areas will tell us what we need to focus on FIRST in order to end serious crashes. With the resources we have in the next few years, how can we prevent the most deaths and serious injuries? The PAC has proposed four draft Emphasis Areas with several potential subareas for each. The purpose of the EAs is to provide a data-driven basis – as required by Federal law – for the state's near-term safety planning efforts and prioritization of safety projects and programs.

We want to know which Emphasis Area(s) will be most effective to address first in your community, and in the state as a whole.

Read about each Emphasis Area using the tabs below, and give us your feedback.

Crash frequency and severity can be reduced by maintaining and improving our infrastructure to:

  • Decrease the number of vehicles leaving the roadway or travel lane.Preventive infrastructure treatments could include: adding safetyedge, rumble strips, enhanced curve signage, or enhanced roadway friction on curves.
  • Decrease the number and severity of conflicts at intersections. Preventive infrastructure treatments could include: adding roundabouts, left-turn phasing, red-light running cameras, prohibiting right turns on red, or reflective signal back plates.
Based on the crash data, and what you know about where you live, what do we need to focus on first in your community in order to prevent the most fatalities and serious injuries? Which subareas are most timely?
Preventing roadway departure (Check one.)
Improving safety at intersections (Check one.)

Risky behaviors while traveling include:

  • Impaired driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Preventive actions could include: license revocation/suspension, sobriety checkpoints, required ignition interlock devices.
  • Being distracted by cell phone converstations, texts or emails. Preventive actions could include GDL requirements for beginning drivers; high visibility enforcement of cell phone laws.
  • Speeding or traveling to fast for conditions (in darkness, snow, rain, or congested areas). Preventive actions could include automated speed enforcement.
  • Inadqeuate occupant protection: not wearing seatbelts, helmets or safety gear, or not using child safety seats. Preventive actions could include short-term, high visibility enforcement of seat belt and child restraint laws; strengthening child/youth occupant restraint laws.

Reducing impaired driving, distracted driving and speeding will reduce the frequency and severity of crashes, while wearing seatbelts and helmets can reduce the severity of crashes when they do occur.

Based on the crash data, and what you know about where you live, what do we need to focus on first in your community in order to prevent the most fatalities and serious injuries? Which subareas are most timely?
Preventing impaired driving (Check one.)
Improving occupant protection (Check one.)
Discouraging speeding (Check one.)
Reducing distracted driving (Check one.)

Pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable users simply because they have less protection around their bodies in the event of a crash. Because of this, the severity of these crashes can be very high relative to the frequency of these crashes.

Actions for protecting these users could include:

  • Pedestrians: reducing motor vehicle travel speeds in areas where there are higher volume of pedestrians; adding roadway medians; road diets; enhanced crossings and crossing beacons; improved lighting; more sidewalks.
  • Bicyclists: reducing motor vehicle travel speeds in areas where there are higher volume of bicycles; enforcing child and adult bicycle helmet laws; promoting lighting and rider visibility; enhanced crossing; pavment markings and improved separation from traffic.
  • Motorcycles: universal helmet laws; alcohol impairment detection, enforcement, and sanctions.
Based on the crash data, and what you know about where you live, what do we need to focus on first in your community in order to prevent the most fatalities and serious injuries? Which subareas are most timely?
Protecting Pedestrians (Check one.)
Protecting Bicyclists (Check one.)
Protecting Motorcyclists (Check one.)

There are several underlying systems that are important to reducing crash frequency and severity:

  • Commercial vehicles need to employ safety technologies that protect drivers and other road users. Actions could include: driver and vehicle inspections; traffic enforcement; public education and awareness campaigns.
  • Emergency medical services need to be coordinated and available to reduce crash severity in the event of a crash. Actions could include: a statewide incident management program; more affordable services; enhanced communication between traffic engineers, enforcement, educators, and emergency medical services providers; improved response in rural and frontier areas.
  • Data systems (e.g. crash, roadway characteristics, and motor vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle traffic volumes) need to be coordinated, timely and high quality to provide the information needed to study crashes. Actions could include: developing a traffic records data guide; encouraging statewide electronic citations; increased sharing and reporting of crash data; improving data quality; linking crash information databases.
  • Adequate training in safety best practices needs to be available to engineers, education providers, emergency medical services and enforcement providers. Actions could include promoting: traffic law enforcement as a Basic Certificate requirement; work zone enforcement training; techniques and new approaches for Oregon enforcement personnel, attorneys, judges and the DMV.
Based on the crash data, and what you know about where you live, what do we need to focus on first in your community in order to prevent the most fatalities and serious injuries? Which subareas are most timely?
Improve Commercial Vehicle Safety (Check one.)
Emergency Medical Services Coordination (Check one.)
Collecting Better Crash Data (Check one.)
Training (Check one.)

For the State as a whole...

Of the four Emphasis Areas, which do you think is the most urgent to address for the entire State of Oregon? (Not just in your community.) (Check one.)
83% Complete

Stay Involved / Final Questions

Thank you for learning about the project and giving us feedback. Please tell us about yourself and learn how you can stay involved in the TSAP update process.

Stay Involved

  • For further information, visit our website: www.oregon.gov/ODOT/TD/TP/Pages/tsap.aspx.
  • Look for the Draft TSAP in early spring 2016. To receive notice of the final draft and public review period, sign-up for email alerts below.

Final Questions

Why are you interested in the TSAP update? (Check all that apply.)
Do you consider yourself to be affiliated (formally or informally) with organizations that support the following causes or groups? (Check all that apply.)
How did you hear about this online open house? (Check all that apply.)

Mailing list (Optional)

Provide the following optional contact information if you would like to be added to the project mailing list.

Demographic Information (Optional)

This project is requesting demographic information to evaluate the effectiveness of public outreach activities. The identity of individuals is kept confidential. The results are reported as totals only, and used solely to help improve future community engagement. Providing this information is voluntary and optional.

Gender (Check one.)
Languages spoken at home (Check all that apply.)
Your Race/Ethnicity (Check all that apply.)
100% Complete

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